Kaingaroa Village has named their new play space Te Pūmanawa – the Beating Heart – and we can’t think of a higher honor or a better name for this playground that brings so much joy to the whanau and tamariki of the village.
In 2021 we had the opportunity to work with Rotorua Lake Council and Te Puni Kokiri to create a new play space based on feedback from the tamariki of Kaingaroa Village. The aim was to provide maximum play value and a welcoming recreation area for visitors to the village. The new playground is part of the Kaingaroa Village Community Development upgrades happening throughout the village, thanks to Crown Infrastructure Projects funding by Kānoa - Regional Economic Development and Investment Unit (MBIE).
Using our Ngā Papa Tākaro Māori range of playground equipment together with robust dynamic play features from the Kompan range including fitness equipment for adults, the design has play opportunities for the whole family. With a dual flying fox, 6m high Spacenet, Tipi Carousel and the fantastic new Kompan Duo Swing (a smash hit with teenagers), there is plenty of lasting dynamic fun for everyone and you can see why the Te Pūmanawa has been such a success for Kaingaroa Village.